Check out Foodista's New Widgets

January 27, 2010

Pomegranate on FoodistaPomegranate

If you haven’t been to Foodista for awhile, well, you are in for a treat. We have some pretty awesome new widgets that our engineers and designers have been tinkering with and they were thinking of your blog when they designed them! I’m not kidding, just like before, each page on Foodista has its own widget, but now you can customize them specifically for your blog. With our new widgets, you get to choose the color, the picture, and the size of the widget before embedding it into your blog post.

Besides increasing traffic to your blog, there are other reasons people choose to post widgets.

•How many times have you forgotten to take a picture of your dish before you ate it? If you need a picture in a pinch, you can embed a Foodista widget from a similar recipe or a food page to add a little color to your post.
•Not a fan of your own photography? We can’t all be great food stylists and let’s face it, sometimes another person's photo of lasagna really does look better than the one taken from last night.
•Want to share your incredible recipe with the world? Okay, we might not be able to reach everyone overnight, but adding your recipe to Foodista can help expose you, your recipe and your blog to a lot of different users. I can't tell you how many cool recipes and blogs I have found that I didn't even know existed because I was skimming the Related Blog Posts listed under each recipe or food page.
•Embed your profile widget! Create a quick link for people to quickly find you and your recipes on Foodista.

New Widget Instructions
Let's say you want to post the Pomegranate widget into your blog post. Simply click on the widget tab and follow the instructions to customize your widget.

1. Choose a color: Red Green Orange Grey White

2. Choose an image:

  • Uploaded photo
  • Illuminated Pomegranate
  • Melagrana frutto, Pomegranate fruit, Granatapfel-Frucht
  • Melagrana frutto, Pomegranate fruit, Granatapfel-Frucht

3. Decide on a size and copy the code and paste into your website or blog's HTML editor. That's it!

Size: Code:
Pomegranate on Foodista

Want to know more? Send me an email at

See the new widgets in action on these blog posts:

Above photo byJoe



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This post was mentioned on Twitter by foodista: New blog post: Check out Foodista's New Widgets

A Look Inside a Portland Food Cart- Recipes for Everyone's picture

[...] Check out Foodista&#8217;s New Widgets [...]

Brad's picture

Cool I like th new widgets, will definately keep attaching them to my recipes. Thanks

Melissa Peterman's picture

Thanks Brad!

It's so fun going to a page and seeing your recipe linked. Thanks so much!

Bellingham Web Design Studio's picture

I like this widget idea, and your photography is yummy.

Twitter for Food Bloggers | Recipes for Everyone's picture

[...] Check out Foodista&#8217;s New Widgets [...]

Melissa Peterman's picture

Thanks Bellingham Web Design Studio! You guys are doing a great job up north! :)

An Interview with Chef Seth Caswell | Recipes for Everyone's picture

[...] Check out Foodista&#8217;s New Widgets [...]
