Americans: 'We're Broke, We're Hungry, We're Over It'

May 10, 2011


Americans are stretched to the breaking point and, for most of us, our diets have been an easy casualty. We're working longer and harder for less money. Prices on basics like food and gas are soaring. And to add a little extra insult, we are constantly assaulted with messages that we're too fat, too lazy to get up at dawn and run five miles, too complacent to grow all of our own organic vegetables, and everything we're eating is bad and makes us somehow morally suspect.

Americans are totally over it.

A new study from the International Food Council says Americans make their food choices based on three main factors, in this order: taste, price and healthfulness. But not one of those categories has risen in recent years as much as price. We just need it cheap and want it to taste good.

And even though marketers and advocates are sending out a steady drum beat of information about how to eat healthy, we've never been more confused about our choices. Only 9 percent of us even know how many calories we should eat in a day.

We're also throwing in the yoga mat. Fewer Americans report to be worried about their weight and making healthy changes to their diet than last year. And more Americans identify their their activity level as "sedentary."

It's kinda like America just wants to curl up in bed and eat and pint of ice cream. Can you relate? We'd love to know what you think about the findings of this study.
