This week's Weird Wednesday links are bizarre, shocking and downright silly. We learn the new food words we're not supposed to use in writing, see a rare phallic hot pepper, and wag our fingers at Yelp and SouperSalad. Dig in!
Trader Joe's uses Ron Swanson from "Parks and Recreation" to sell bacon. [FoodBeast]
A couple sees Jesus on their Walmart receipt; Perez Hilton, however, says it looks like a serial killer. [Perez Hilton]
The rare Chilly Willy pepper surfaces in the blogosphere thanks to its phallic shape and scorching heat; these "penis peppers" are 10 times hotter than jalapeno peppers. [Oddity Central]
A SouperSalad restaurant in Albuquerque was shut down after a health inspection discovered too many safety infractions to stomach. The visit was prompted when a diner discovered a blade in his salad. [The Consumerist]
Honest Tea tests consumers' honesty in 12 U.S. cities, including Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, Philadelphia and Atlanta. Which city do you think was the least honest? [Huffington Post]
This dancing squid dish is popular in Japan, but it may make you lose your appetite. [Foodiggity]
CHOW dishes on the most annoying words to read in a restaurant review, including "died and gone to heaven," "party in your mouth," "I really want to like this place," "to die for," "unctuous" and "cloyingly sweet." [CHOW]
Is Yelp engaging in five-star review extortion? [Eater]
Aquaholism: the new disease taking over First World countries. [The Frisky]
Macaroni and Cheese bandages make any bump or scrape seem bearable. [Neatorama]
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