August 24, 2011

Easily on the list of all-time best comfort foods, a good brownie can be hard to come by. Cake-y or fudgy, with or without nuts, frosted or plain - which kind of brownie are you?
Mexican Spiced Brownies
With hints of coffee, cinnamon and cayenne.
S'Mores Brownies
A super simple recipe with a toasted marshmallow topping - hell-o campfire!
Extra Fudgy Brownies
Made with almond meal (they're grain free!) are incredibly moist and fudgy, so tasty!
Blackberry Brownies
Fresh berries, chocolate and zucchini(!) make these dairy free brownies delicious and even pretty healthy!
Cherry Chocolate Chip Brownies
These vegan brownies are super allergy friendly!
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August 24, 2011
I just made a brownie with aubergines, no butter nor flour nor oil was used and it was absolutely amazing!! Rich and moist!!!