October 17, 2011

Baba ghanoush is a super simple Mediterranean dip/condiment/spread that you should definitely know and love! Made from roasted eggplant, tahini (sesame paste) and a few other ingredients, you can have an insanely addictive appetizer in no time at all! Gluten free, wheat free, milk/dairy free, eggless, soy free, corn free, vegetarian and vegan!
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October 18, 2011
What you made is amazing, extremely tasty to dip hot pita in it and enjoy, BUT: one small misconception; this is called Mtabbal, it is very close to Babaganooj but the latter contains no tahini, is made same way by roasting eggplants with garlic lemon olive oil and a some diced tomatoes and chopped parsley. Another good, gluten free treat! Trust me I'm from Jordan:) the tahinin one mtabbal, the no tahini one babaganooj:)