Jamie Oliver has spent the greater part of the last few years trying to change the way kids eat by encouraging schools to provide healthier lunches. Now, the celebrity chef is saying that the UK government has been putting these efforts at "risk."
"Honestly, I'm very worried," Oliver said. "I've had a couple of very cordial, interesting meetings with the secretary of state for education and although I would love to believe that [Michael] Gove has school food high on his agenda, I've not heard anything so far worth celebrating."
Oliver added that the benefits to have healthy school lunches are clear -- including an improvement in behavior and higher concentration levels during class.
"You would have to be an idiot to ignore all of the academic research that's been published to support these things, but still I don't see [Gove] or his ministerial colleagues in health actually doing anything to ensure that the improvements we have made over the last six years remain in place and are built upon - instead the progress we've made seems to be at risk."
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