Detox Orange Ginger Smoothie

December 14, 2011

Are you looking for ways to embrace a little holiday detox?  If so, don't forget to incorporate a piece of ginger.  Ginger is believed to fire up your body’s natural detoxification work.  It also helps your body better absorb nutrients and eliminate waste (cleansing divas believe excess waste = excess weight).  Toss a piece of fresh ginger into a stir fry, a great salad dressing and even a delicious smoothie.  

Detox Orange Ginger Smoothie

Serving size: 1 (~200 calories)


1 banana, peeled and frozen

1/4" ginger, peeled and minced

1/2 cup mango slices, frozen

1/4 cup orange juice

1/4 cup water

4-5 ice cubes


Combine the ingredients above into a good powerful blender until smooth and creamy. Thin with water or thicken with ice if desired. Enjoy!





Soni's picture

Lovely recipe!Can't wait to try this, it also has my favorite flavors mango, ginger and orange, all-in-one!!

noelle @'s picture

Thanks S! Lately, I can't get enough fresh ginger!

charlesjohn's picture

Pictures shows how <a href="">healthy</a> is the recipe, I will definitely try this!!! Thanks for sharing.