Liam Neeson and his cast mates chowed down on some wolf meat while filming The Grey. Director Joe Carnahan says he wanted the actors to really understand every aspect of the characters they were playing.
"I knew how bad it was going to be and I knew what we were facing so we just all went through it together on the day," Carnahan recalls. "We all communally ate wolf and it wasn't appetizing. It was one of those necessary things because I wanted them to have a sense of the movie we were making. We're gonna eat wolf and we're gonna go out in the tundra."
None of the crew members were given the task of hunting said wolf. Instead, they happened to find a guy who had one stored in his freezer.
"Some guy had him in his basement. I don't know if it was a trap line wolf but it was a wolf that had been up to a misdeed of some sort," Carnahan said. "They were preying on cattle. We asked if there was one we could eat and sure enough this guy had one in his freezer for six months which probably didn't help the taste! The permaforst didn't help the layer underneath. Maybe we just had bad wolf, I don't know."
Neeson agreed that wolf meat wasn't very appetizing, saying "it tastes like chicken but really gamey!"
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January 27, 2012
Too bad they all didn't suffer serious illness from eating Wolf Meat. Wolves are almost EXTINCT again due to them being unfairly taken off the endangered list in April 2011 and movies like this haven't helped their plight. They were all killed til extinction in USA by President Theodore Roosevelt on his Blood rampage of hunting where he leveled the West even of Buffalo back almost 100yrs ago. Wolves were JUST re-introduced again in 94 in USA and now You Hollywood dumbA#$es are helping to spread undue Hysteria....There are NO documented Wolf Attacks here even, they say one woman in Alaska was chewed on in Alaska after she died. Yeah well even your hamster will feed on you if hungry if you die and around a body long enough! Why do people believe such Fiction? Thanks Hollywood(sarcasm) for helping to Bring on the second extinction of a much needed member of the wild that brought Yellowstone ecosphere back alive again as restored balance.