For many of us, our morning ritual is sacred; accordingly, this week's community spotlight features readers' responses to the following Twitter question: What are the first three things you drank or ate today?
Unsurprisingly, coffee figures into many readers' morning routine (including that of yours truly):
@foodistaCoffee, coffee and coffee. :) Happy Friday @foodista !
— Suri Sakura (@surisakura) February 24, 2012
@foodista Coffee....coffee...coffee. The good fair-trade stuff from @EarthFare.Larry's Beans!I like to read the bag - Like Dr. Bronners.
— Gagne Foods(@GagneFoods) February 24, 2012
@foodista Coffee, coffee, and oh, coffee.
— Martha(@m_art_) February 24, 2012
@foodista First thing I drank this morning: Mayan Spiced Mocha from @KeanCoffee. It may literally be the nectar of the mocha gods.
— Steven M. Johnson (@StevenM_Johnson) February 24, 2012
Still others prefer relatively light fare to start the day:
@foodista granny smith apple with chunky cashew butter, water and decaf coffee.
— NOW HEAL THIS(@NOWHEALTHIS) February 24, 2012
@foodista Only two so far:milk and water.
— Maxine Rohde (@maxine0506) February 24, 2012
“@foodista: Happy Friday! What are the first three things you drank or ate today?” water, vitamin b and vitamin d!
— Tindy Bassi (@tinamasfina) February 24, 2012
RT @foodista: Happy Friday! What are the first three things you drank or ate today? Coffee and cashews so far
— Anne Woodyard (@MusicandMarkets) February 24, 2012
@foodistaCoffee and grapefruit!
— Gail Shelton (@GailShelton1) February 24, 2012
@foodista banana, kale banana green drink w/amazing Synergy powder, hot water and lemon.
— Lori Martin Gregory (@LoriGregory) February 24, 2012
Other readers opt for a full breakfast spread:
@foodista Raisin bran muffin, coffee, breakfast burrito with added bacon
— Jay Harrington (@JHRPJay) February 24, 2012
@foodista coffee and pancake and bacon
— Chef Spencer (@SpencerChef) February 24, 2012
@foodista Jammed on 2 scrambled eggs w/ tomatoes, chili garlic sauce, and cheese in a wrap, a cup of tea, and some coffee
— cody frost (@CFr05t) February 24, 2012
@foodista cereal with strawberries in it, bacon egg and cheese breakfast sandwich (homemade of course) and Earl Grey tea.
— Hanna Robitaille (@Hannabananagram) February 24, 2012
@foodista foccacia, aioli, cheese and milk!
— Finn E. Marstrander (@bendorth) February 24, 2012
@foodista Happy Friday to you! Flaxseed & apples smoothie, organic: Greek yogurt w/ kiwi, PB & J on sprouted grain bread!
— Juhub.com (@Juhub_Foods) February 24, 2012
@foodista peanut butter, whole grain toast, blueberry superfruit herbal tea
— Alison Hyodo (@alihyodo) February 24, 2012
@foodista tiger prawns in tomato and cream with a rocket and parmesan salad and a custard cream!
— Gusto Restaurant/Bar (@GustoHeswall) February 24, 2012
@foodista 1. @MtropolisCoffee 2. beer cheese spread on a cracker 3. leftover pasta salad from @birchwoodkitche #Chicago
— Jody Robbins (@JodyRobbins) February 24, 2012
@foodista Coffee. Oatmeal. Girl Scout cookies.
— Maria M. Boyer (@mmb064) February 24, 2012
@foodista Coffee w/milk & Manuka honey, wholegrain toast w/peanut butter & cinnamon & banana, cherry yogurt. All organic, natch.
— OrganiKeyUK (@OrganiKeyUK) February 24, 2012
@foodista turkey bacon, scrambled eggs, coffee
— Jennifer Elise Levin (@JenniferELevin) February 24, 2012
Editor's note: Community spotlight is a weekly series that highlights conversations from Foodista's social media spheres. Catch up on past Community Spotlight posts here.
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