cover picture: Warren Bobrow (Leica M8)
Is Rockmill the best Belgian Style Ale in America? I think so. After tasting through the line at G. Michael's Bistro during a special beer dinner created for my friend Amy Weirick of Weirick Communications, I am convinced that Rockmill is gorgeous stuff.
Rockmill does not make beer in the typical hop forward style of American Microbrews. In fact, there is nothing American about the flavor. But if you close your eyes and use your nose and your taste buds, you'll swear that the beer in your glass was created in Belgium.
A stretch you say? Find yourself some of these beers and place them up against anything that Belgium has to offer.
They are that good!
Is it the water? Absolutely. Add to this mix the passion of owner/founder Matthew Barbee, who speaks with a patient, kind voice about water, Bamberg Malts and his unique form of brewing that completely shakes the foundation of Belgian Beer- only being brewed in Belgium.
Belgian Beer can be brewed anyplace where the Terroir of the water becomes otherworldly.
So we tasted through the line at the Beer Dinner- and I can say I was completely blown away by the flavors.
Each style befits the passion of Belgium as exemplified by Matthew in his beers. Even the bottles are reminiscent of Belgium. Nice touch.
His mom and step-dad are always around- admiring his craft, sipping the beers, cutting charcuterie and country breads for friends not yet met.
It's a family affair at Rockmill Brewing.
Happy faces elicit curiosity when it comes to the expressive flavors of Rockmill's Belgian-Style Beers.
The tasting room is in the horse art lined walled former stable. The artwork is diverse in style with flourishes of color and light. Friendly and kind people live here. Their products speak of a certain commitment to the craft of brewing. There is no attitude here, no pretension and certainly you should bring an open stomach.
USDA Certified Organic makes sense to me..
Beer Dinner with Klaus, the Soused Gnome
cheese, salumi, chocolate and great bread all go with Rockmill Beers
Matthew is a very expressive man. He is pragmatic and kind. I'm proud to call him my friend.
Most of the pictures were shot with my Leica M8 Digital Camera.
Some others with my iPhone.
August 13, 2012
I love Rockmill (and am from L-town) but think Ommegang brews the best Belgian beer in the US. I personally favor Rockmill's Saison and Wit over the Dubbel and Tripel, thought I've never had the cask aged.