Ah, nothing like gathering around a blazing fire, warding off the chill of the season with a combination of flaming wood and a glass of...rosé? Well, not quite rosé. Bordeaux Clairet, to be specific. Think of it as a Super Rosé. You know what? If we can refer to some Italian red wines as "Super Tuscans" I think pink wines deserve a "Super" moniker as well. So how is Bordeaux Clairet different than a Bordeaux Rosé? Let's take a closer look
While I was on a trip sponsored by Planet Bordeaux, I stopped by their top-secret lab at PB HQ for a lesson requiring the highest levels of clearance. I found out that wines with the Bordeaux Rosé designation are, well, just the light, refreshing, elegant, food-friendly amazing wines you've come to love to drink every day of the wine-drinking year. When you see Bordeaux Clairet on the label, the same red grapes that make rosé just take a longer dip in the tank with the clear grape juice. The resulting wine has a deeper color and more richness, structure. I could call it an almost-red wine but I prefer SUPER ROSÉ.
But, hey, it's also nice to drink outside if you have access to some decent weather and a view. (This was taken in October, 2012, at Chateau Lamothe de Haux.)
And, if while drinking some Bordeaux Clairet, you happen to meet someone who seems a bit stoic, remember this:
Sharing Bordeaux Clairet is a sure way to make a new friend.
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