Have you searched near and far for an exciting, bargain dry white wine? Me, too. That's why it's fantastic when you find something both delicious in flavor and moderate in price. To achieve both of these missions, might I suggest you turn to Touraine? It's a region of France's Loire Valley where you'll find lots of Sauvignon Blanc at easy-to-swallow prices. My particular favorite, the pictured 2012 Oisly et Thésée, has been a go-to for many years now. You need a wine for salads, vegetables, seafood, happy hour, dinner parties, lousy day recovery? This is the wine for you.
Can't find the Oisly et Thésée in your neck of the woods? Do not despair. Just look for "Touraine" on the label of any white wine. Most will be Sauvignon Blanc but, like everything in the wine world, there are exceptions to the rule. Ask your friendly wine shop employee if you don't see any grape information on the label.
Try this Touraine with an olive oil-poached tuna salad. (It's a dish that would also be great with rosé.)