Being gluten-free doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your sweet tooth. While many desserts contain wheat flours, there are a plethora of recipes that offer wheat-free substitutes. If you are converted to a gluten-free lifestyle, it's important that your pantry is stock with a variety of gluten-free flours including tapioca, coconut, almond, arrowroot and more. You can also make your own all purpose flour blend or purchase gluten-free all purpose flour online or at your local health foods store. These three summertime desserts celebrate the season without the use of any wheat.
Gluten-Free Nutella Strawberry Shortcake
Recipe by Little Leopard Book
Gluten-Free Berry Tarts
Recipe from My Cup is Full
Gluten-Free Almond Cake with Strawberries
Recipe from What's Gaby Cooking
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