Kids will love this fun and festive snack on St. Patrick’s Day! Simply melt Hershey’s Kisses on top of mini pretzels and top each with 3 green M & Ms and a bit of green icing for the stem. It’s a fun little snack to serve at school parties!
Three Leaf Clover Pretzels
Courtesy of eMeals.com
1 bag of Hershey Kisses
Green M&Ms (You may have to pick them out of a regular bag of M&Ms)
1 bag of pretzel knots
Parchment Paper
For the Icing (stem):
½ cup Confectioner’s Sugar
Green food coloring
¼ stick of butter
2 T of milk
Pre-heat oven to 200° F.
Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Place the pretzels on the cookie sheet and top each with an unwrapped Hershey Kiss. Place cookie sheet in the oven and allow chocolates to melt until they become soft (just a few minutes, so keep your eye on them!).
Remove pretzels from the oven and, using the back of a spoon or the side of a butter knife, promptly and gently press the chocolate flat on the pretzel.
Add three green M&Ms to each pretzel to form a three leaf clover. Allow the pretzels to cool completely.
In a mixing bowl add Confectioner’s sugar, green food coloring, butter and milk. Add food coloring until you get your desired color. The consistency of the mixture needs to be like play dough. Keep adding Confectioner’s sugar until desired consistency. Pinch off a piece of the icing and roll the stem of the clover with your fingers and add to the pretzel.