The days are noticeably shorter in Maine, but that only means I get to warm the house with my oven. This recipe for bread maker sourdough brown sugar rolls is one that I came up with today as a reward for my kids all actually going outside to split and then stack wood. It's funny how the incentive to eat a sweet treat helps that pile of wood grow.
I use the bread maker all the time to make my dough. It's perfectly contained in one neat package, the temperature is just right for a wonderful proofing of the dough, and I can go do something else while all the magic is happening.
I also like cooking with sourdough and buttermilk flavors. I have had a sourdough starter for more years than I can remember. It's nothing fancy; I started it back in Montana. But sourdough travels well and it has made it's way across the US, feeding us all along the way. Sourdough makes recipes have more flavor. I can taste the lack of it in store bought baked goods and much prefer the tangy addition of this old fashioned ingredient.
If you find yourself without any sourdough on hand, try mixing a little flour with buttermilk and using that in your recipe. It still gives a tanginess that is well worth the effort. I hope you enjoy this cinnamon roll version. It's sweet and nutty and just about perfect.
Sourdough Brown Sugar Rolls (makes 12)
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