Bacon pull apart bread from Very Culinary is a savory version of this breakfast classic....
Huevos rancheros crescent bake is a quick and easy recipe for your Easter brunch. Eggs are...
This super foods snack mix from To Her Core will give you an extra boost of nutrition. ...
Bacon Nutella French toast from Domesticate Me is insanely delicious. Crispy thick...
Cranberry almond cheesecake squares is an easy dessert recipe. Instead of a traditional...
We’re suckers for a decadently sweet breakfast and what better way to honor National Caramel...
Put a twist on your standard French toast and make this amazing Savory Feta Cheese French Toast...
Cranberry almond snack mix is an easy recipe, even kids can do it. Pre-made granola is mixed...
We love foods that say, “Gotcha!” You think you’re eating one thing and lo and...
Few things are quite as appetizing as a fresh-baked scone first thing in the morning, but these...
Cinnamon roll waffles is a out of the ordinary breakfast. Pre-made cinnamon roll dough are re...
Whenever you're dieting, you tend to miss the things you can't have. Paleo ...
Chicken and waffles are a classic Southern dish. The combination of the sweet waffles with crispy...
Bread is not the only vehicle for a good sandwich, waffles work pretty darn well too. Honey...
Celebrate International Waffle Day (not to be confused with National Waffle Day in August), with...
With spring knocking on our door, it's time to turn to something a little healthier to start...
Vanilla waffle cookies from The Blonde Buckeye is a brilliant recipe. Sugar cookie dough...
The Pizza is a magical food, which is able to take on a variety of forms while still maintaining it...
Peanut butter and banana crescents are delicious for breakfast or dessert. Your favorite...
Green eggs and ham omelet is the perfect breakfast on St. Patrick's Day. This omelet is studded...