White chocolate cherry hand pies from Munchin with Munchkin are a simple homemade treat for...
Golden snitch truffles from Girl Meets Bowl keep the Harry Potter magic alive. Whether you...
Cake Central member Arielatl is the creative baker behind this Spider-Man cake. To make the torso,...
Kona Bars satisfy your chocolate cravings as well as your caffeine fix. Taking note from the...
Cookie dominos from homemakers.com provides entertainment as well as a snack. These are so...
Bake these crazy colorful cupcakes from Sweet Tooth to celebrate Mardi Gras. This year Mardi...
These Conversation Heart Cheesecakes are a show stopper. We were lucky enough to stumble across...
Domo-Kun heart cookies from alanabread are a monstrous Valentine's Day gift. You could...
On Valentine's Day, forget those chalky conversation hearts and make these conversation cookies...
Mickey and Minnie Mouse Oreo pops from Cooking Classy are a Disney treat on a stick. These...
If anyone on your Valentine's Day list is choosing Gluten Free, these Mini Peppermint Cream...
This $55,000 Valentine's Day cupcake from Cupcakes Gourmet is a ravishing yet slightly...
The 60s may have come and gone, but these psychedelic sweets prove that some remnants of that...
Buttercream roses are simple way to turn cupcakes from ordinary to extraordinary. To get...
These Valentine's Day cookies are perfect for meat-loving men. They're shaped like ham...
Hooters Tokyo knows just what to do to get couples in its doors on Valentine's Day: team up...
These double rainbow cupcakes by Megan Seling for Bake It In a Cake are a stunning yet time-...
This incredible tie-dye cake from Cooking with Sugar is a fun Valentine's Day project to do...
For a visually stunning presentation, why not serve this Black Sesame Yogurt Mousse Cake at your...
These thin mint truffles from Cookin' Cowgirl are an easy no-bake dessert that everyone will...