Vegan caramel sauce may be the best dish known I've prepared this holiday season. Forget...
You got it! These scrumptious mini doughnuts are baked - not fried - so keep that deep fryer (and...
Fudge fans rejoice with this fabulous recipe for almond butter fudge. This easy candy is...
Chocolate reindeer pops from Hungry Happenings are the cutest, most adorable holiday treat....
The holiday season is all about homemade sweet and treats. These snowman cupcakes from Happy...
Fresh baked goods are always nice to have around during the holiday season, but the festivities...
Foodista user Lauren Short of Lauren Caris Cooks shared a dynamite recipe for vegan meringue...
I have fond memories of decorating gingerbread men cookies with family during the holiday season....
Sugar cookie bars is a quick and easy holiday recipe that even the kids can prepare. Store...
Chocolate and peppermint are the quintessential holiday pair. This flavor duo is featured in...
You don't have to be a master baker to achieve a spectacular loaf such as this one - that'...
Steamed chocolate pudding cake is a modern take on a classic English dessert. This dynamite...
Hot chocolate cookies are the perfect way to eat the flavors of the classic holiday drink. A...
If you are anything like me, the holiday season is strictly for baking. And by baking, I mean...
Red velvet cupcakes are a festive sweet for the holiday season. Nothing is quite as good as a...
We love our Foodista members and want to acknowledge their contribution to our site. This week we...
'Tis the season for baking! Oh, how I love the aromas of cookies baking in the oven; the...
Have you ever steamed a cake? In lieu of baking this holiday season, try this scrumptious steamed...
If you love baking, you'll love the recently published TWENTY-FIVE: Profiles and Recipes from...
What do pumpkin bread, holiday spices, maple pumpkin butter cream, toasted pecans, and brandy...