This rainbow bento from Jewelmaker is a colorful lunch. The bento included one fruit, one...
Here is a healthy, gluten-free, dairy-free and vegan recipe that is quick to whip up and only...
In a word, WOW! Check out these California Wild Rice and Beef Cabbage Wraps, with Crunchy Ricotta....
Slow Cooker split pea soup is a satisfying dish that is perfect for stress-free weeknight cooking....
This seven layer salad in a jar from Oh She Glows is a healthy lunch to take to work or bring to a...
This totally delicious edamame salad will please the palettes of vegans and non-vegans alike....
Plenty by Yotom Ottolenghi is a cookbook devoted to supreme vegetarian cuisine. Some of us...
A classic pot roast is the answer to a perfect Sunday dinner. Slowly braised beef is cooked...
Greek salad is a quick and easy meal that can be whipped in no time. It's healthy, fast,...
We could all use more whole grains in our diet and these five worthwhile recipes will help you get...
Homemade pink ravioli from The Italian Dish is a seductive Italian dish for Valentine's day....
Roasted Mediterranean vegetable soup is the perfect dish to warm you up on a cold winter's...
Texas is a spicy Southwestern salad is the perfect dish to serve at your Super Bowl party....
Rice is a staple in many diets around the world. It can be prepared in a thousand different...
Tempeh is a whole soybean product, favored among vegetarians and vegans. Originally from...
Spinach and artichoke dip is a football favorite. Chunks of artichoke hearts and spinach...
Black bean and veggie burgers are comfort food gone healthy. The veggie patties are packed...
This sun dried tomato and leek quiche is a must-have recipe in your repertoire. It is the...
Avocado and grapefruit salad is a refreshing wintertime dish. Slices of buttery avocado...
This week, one of our favorite cooking channels: CookingWithDog, brings us this succulent dish...