This little cookie is light, a slight chew and a soft cake like center. These are perfect for a...
It's citrus season. Take advantage of the winter bounty and make some of these delicious...
These adorable Disney inspired cakes will put a smile on the birthday boy or girl. With a...
Chocolate and orange is a classic flavor combination. These desserts showcase chocolate and...
A World of Warcraft fan made this Deathwing cake to help celebrate the new year. For those of us...
Try with your favorite fortified wine, such as Sherry, Port or Marsala, and any combination of...
Gingerbread is THE FLAVOR of the holidays. We love decorating gingerbread men and women,...
Dieters need only look at this roadkill cake to curb their cravings for sweets for good. This...
This is the best cake I have ever made!It's healthy too! It is 100% raw and instead of cocoa I...
This beautiful butterfly cake from Cake Done Right is an edible piece of artwork. The gum...
Dr. Seuss fans will love these Green Eggs and Ham cake pops. The fondant-free pops are...
'Tis the season for "How the Grinch Stole Christmas," and these Grinch cake pops are...
This pizza cake by Reddit user DaisyDot is a deceptively delicious dessert. The baker used round...
It's pretty safe to say that almost everyone has heard of pumpkin bread, pumpkin cakes, pumpkin...
If your diet won't allow for real-life baked sweets, try on this miniature rainbow layered cake...
Fire and Icing culinary artist Dante Nuno created this amazing Ray Caesar "Descent" cake...
Just when you thought I was done yammering away about the wonders of cranberries, here I go again...
No Thanksgiving dinner is complete without a variety of cakes, pies, and cookies. Check out...