These little tarts are a wonderful small meal, first-course, or party dish with understated...
The most tender cupcakes, full of coconut flavor! Frost them with your favorite vanilla...
The best way to get a really good reliable recipes is by getting them from family and friends. My...
The excitement of preparing for Christmas is in the air but my son's absence is tugging at my...
To make a frosting that is the type you get on a purchased cake, try this: To this you may add 1...
Chocolate cream cheese frosting is pretty incredible with this cake. A 9x11 cake pan will make...
Great gift idea! Combine all dry ingredients and store in airtight container; give in a decorative...
No idea who H and G are, but their eponymous cake is a decadent chocolate dessert.
Unlike the name suggests upon first hearing, German's Chocolate cake is not from Germany not of...