Homemade corn tortillas so good (and easy) you many never go back.
I love the combination of sweet and savory in one, unified bite. I love the way they balance each...
Super easy, 3 ingredient, corn tortillas! Perfect for tacos or fried for chips!
Mexican casserole from Pinch of Yum is a boldly flavored family meal. Corn tortillas are...
Beer battered fish tacos is a Baja California specialty. Crispy strips of fried fish are tucked...
Taquitos make for the perfect Cinco de Mayo appetizer. Corn tortillas are filled with chicken...
Chilaquiles is a traditional Mexican breakfast that is absolutely dynamite. Sliced bits of...
Refried bean and avocado tostadas are a tasty meatless meal. Crispy corn tortillas are topped...
I am often stumped on what to do with leftover meat and I hate throwing out food! Sunday I cooked a...
These slow cooker shredded tacos from Cooking Classy are an inexpensive but delicious meal. ...
You can substitute the lard with shortening or for a healthier version use olive oil.