Seasonal fresh tomatoes and carrots are gracing all our farmer’s markets and are the bright...
Fresh bell peppers stuffed with ground turkey, quinoa and vegetables; seasoned with Cajun spice.
I love to make well known, classic recipes even healthier. Like for example everyone’s favorite...
These deer meatballs are actually very easy to make and something we eat a lot in the Nordic...
Sometimes it is nice to substitute the traditional Nordic meatballs made from pork with something...
These cauliflower blinis are the perfect starter, if you want to impress your guests. I made two...
This salad is a favorite among families in Denmark. It is easy to make, and is often eaten together...
Home About Me The Nordic Cuisine Nordic Countries Danish Food...
I try to avoid flour and fast carbohydrates in general, so when I bake, it is mostly with almond or...
Here’s a very satiating salad with rye berries, which we eat a lot in Denmark. It’s a great side...
I often put lentils in my salad because they help to keep me full for a longer time plus they taste...
We eat a lot of cabbage in Denmark and red cabbage is one of our all time favorites. I think I eat...
Zucchini Spaghetti is one of the best dishes I know. It’s easy to make, it’s healthy and it can be...