Potato salad is a staple at summertime barbecues. While most American potato salad recipes...
Chicken thighs, inexpensive and so juicy, a great budget friendly cut of meat! Last Friday I spent...
Caponata is the super-hero of dishes: is it an aperitif? Is it a main dish? Is it a side? Or, is...
Tired of the same old chicken? This recipe is quick, easy and delicious!
So many times, we hear that someone enjoys the taste of couscous, but they have no idea how to cook...
Light, easy to prepare and delicious side dish. Serve with meat or fish.
Succulent pork with aromatic olive sauce. Easy recommendation: refrigerate any leftover sauce for...
This is perfect with a nice side salad. Enjoy with Love, Catherine xo
These Olives and Pits porcelain containers will ensure that your tapas tablescape is as neat and...
This rainbow nicoise salad from Lisa Michele is an alluring dish. It has been said that to...
And that brings us to this recipe! Here’s a dish that showcases both olives and extra virgin olive...
Greek salad is a quick and easy meal that can be whipped in no time. It's healthy, fast,...
This is a delicious meal and perfect for any occasion. With Love, Catherine xo
In a state known for peaches and peanuts, one Georgia farmer hopes to buck the trend and develop a...
This is one of my favorite dishes. I love onion and I love leeks even more, so for me it's the...
Store bought olives can be expensive, and it's actually quite easy to cure your own. The...
This quick and healthy Mediterranean bean dish makes for a super simple dinner. Serve it with your...
Serve this salad warm or cold either way it is very good. With Love, Catherine xo
Olives are easily on my list of Top 5 favorite foods - black, green, purple, marinated, in oil,...