Chicken pot pie is the ultimate comfort food, however; sometimes we just don't have time to...
KFC restaurants have added chicken pot pie to their menu beginning today. Tender pieces of...
After you have enjoyed several plates of Thanksgiving leftovers, turn that leftover turkey into a...
If you've been following along then you know I had roasted a whole turkey breast and made a...
Instead of traditional corned beef and cabbage opt for steak and Guinness pie for St. Patrick's...
Pot pie is undeniably in the Top 10 American comfort foods: golden, flaky pie crust, fresh...
Reinventing your turkey leftovers is a great way to enjoy a new dish while being economical....
As a single girl who loves (gluten free) chicken pot pie, I was super excited to see this recipe!...
What dish is more comforting than a pot pie? A flaky crust conceals a bubbling creamy filling...
Can't decide between cherry and berry? Pumpkin and apple? Sweet or savory? With the Split...
Pot pie from scratch may seem like a lot of work, but since it is comfort food I really don’t mind...
Recipe adapted from Tender chunks of leftover turkey, sweet softened carrots, celery,...