Roasted chicken can be a funny thing if you’re trying to cook and eat light. It has this wonderful...
The ultimate, tastiest chicken salad sandwich. I buy an already cooked chicken from the grocery...
Notes: do not add all tomato juice - add about 1/4 and then as needed use 1 tbsp chili powder if...
I always glaze my pies with some egg wash as it tends to give it a nice shiny look once baked.
It has been really cold, windy and rainy in Beaverton lately and the only thing to cure that is to...
Adapted from a Campbell's recipe. Original called for 1/4 cup sundried tomatoes in place of the...
These little hens are delicious and extremely easy to prepare. I served with roasted sweet...
Serve with boiled egg and raita. Replace chicken with mutton for mutton biriyani