One of my favorite summer appetizers, the combination of gently stemead haircots verts (French baby...
Simple and refreshing, nothing is better than summer sorbets! Fruity, frozen and fun to make (hint...
The Bing Cherry Season has begun in California! These sweet ruby globes are only in season for...
We make this almost every day in our house. Everyone can add their favorite ingredients to the egg...
Saturday, at the Farmer’s market, I couldn’t resist a whole flat of organic Albion strawberries...
Now about the recipe. As I said many times before, my oldest son is studying Pharmacy overseas and...
The love holiday is almost over, but that doesn't mean that we'll forget to share this lovely...
My husband is very simple and plain when cakes are in question, so I had to split this cake in...
Simple cakes that are not fried but baked in the oven. I usually fry zucchini cakes on the stove...
So, today we had a fry day, which means that everything for dinner was fried: breaded zucchini,...
This simple salad pares well with rice dishes, and if you have falafel on hands, you can put...
My son is studying Pharmacy overseas. He has been using my blog as his one and only recipe book....
There is nothing more comforting and soothing than a bowl of pipping hot soup on a cold day or on...
This is a bit of a variation on a theme. The "sweet heat" from the Hatch Green Chiles adds a bit...
I've had this recipe since we first got married. It came from one of my SIL's and it is one of my...
I think the name says it all: it’s peppery, it’s tangy, it’s corny-sweet, and it’s delicious....
I know in this hot weather that gazpacho and cold soups seem more appealing, but I beg to differ....
I don’t cook tortellini too often because I never really think about purchasing it. What a mistake...