Nothing like spicy hot chicken wings during football season, but who needs the calories? Get your...
The ideal blend of spicy and sweet! The bold and unique taste of the sweet and spicy spreadable...
I am a huge pasta fan! I try to make pasta dishes as healthy as possible because we all know that...
Being a single college girl with limited time, I have been known to throw together things like this...
Mexican hot cocoa mix. Rich with chocolate and a subtle kick of cayenne and cinnamon. Perfect for...
Sweet and spicy candied ginger. Great for a Christmas gift or a remedy to keep colds at bay.
Sugar and spice and everything nice - that's what this cake is made of! Sweet, 'spicy'...
This is an Indian inspired cutlet with some spices and chillies,giving it a spicy kick.
A little bit spicy and infused with a healthy, smoky flavor, chipotle peppers are for more than...
Now, in Marshall Terry's defense, the real-life Guatemalan Insanity Pepper is supposed to be...
Place a scoop of rice in a soup bowl and ladle the soup over the rice. This soup is delicious!!...
Thai-spiced Deviled Eggs masquerade as portly pumpkins.
It's Friday again! Here are 5 fabulous gluten free recipes to inspire your weekend cooking!...
It's officially chili season! One of my favorite comfort foods, this quick and easy stew is...
This is a great lunch or dinner!! With Love, Catherine xo
It's that time of year again -- the leaves are turning, pumpkins are starting to crop up all...
These sweet and spicy jellies and jams are the perfect condiment to give your food a kick. ...
Since you loved my previous post on different hummus recipes, I decided to do another round up of...
For everyone out there who misses Chinese take out as much as I do, here is a super simple Sweet...
When you think of cherries, what comes to mind? Pies, tarts, bowls filled with pits and stems --...