Today’s lunch was these yummy,tasty,healthy,flavorful vegan lentil and mushroom veggie burgers.They...
The quinoa is one of the healthiest foods on the planet.She is well-known with the health benefits....
The best Vegan & Wheat-free Quesadilla recipe, served with fresh Salad and homemade Mexican...
Strawberries & cream are a match made in heaven and i wanted to make some pancakes...
Resturant style vegan chana masala. Tastes amazing with samosas, popadom & rice...yummy! Gluten...
Roasted Buffalo Cauliflower with Blue Cheese Sauce! Tons of flavor & a little kick; low-calorie...
Onion-Tomato veggie is a North-Indian special recipe. This is one of my favorite veggie because...
But there I was, in the oppressive heat of an Eastern China summer. With no outdoor space of my...
PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) promotes vegetarian and vegan living. On their...
Add a little whimsy to your meal preparation by cooking with "Lana". Studio Olga produces...
There is no need for pate to be made from liver, or animal proteins of any kind. This sunflower...
Right in the heart of downtown Brooklyn, there is a year-round indoor farmers market that offers...
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Once just a street sold fast food in the Middle East, now very well know all around the world,...
The heat from chilies and nuttiness from nutmeg, brightness from parsley and sharpness from fresh...