Maple and Brown Sugar Glazed Ham
8 pounds fully cooked ham
1/2 cup pure maple syrup
1/2 cup apple juice
1 tablespoon heaping Dijon mustard
dash allspice
Friday, March 19, 2010 - 4:44pm
December 4, 2011
I have thought it impossible to find anything resembling the sort of Virginia Ham that we have in the US. I would be VERY grateful if you can tell me WHAT a should tell my butcher I need, in the hopes of at least finding a facsimile..................any thought you might have would be wonderful and very appreciated
December 5, 2011
Hi Lesley,
I'm not an expert in Virginia hams, but I did a little research online and found that what makes a Virginia ham so unique is that it's hickory smoked and aged for up to a year, and with various flavor profiles (from mild to intense). Basically, I think you're looking for the preparation rather than cut, which is typically the hind leg and bone-in or boneless. Here are some good tutorials I found from Virginia Traditions:
Hope that helps! Let me know how your ham turns out! We'd love it if you'd share the recipe :)