Miso Fried Eggs
Something really good happens when butter is mixed with miso. It’s a classic combo for sautéing fish and seafood dishes, especially scallops. So why not eggs?
The flavor of miso, light miso in this recipe, is very close to good soy sauce. No big surprise considering soy sauce is basically liquid miso (more or less) with a touch of caramel. Both are just different stages of fermented soy beans. The subtle, savory flavor of miso does something very interesting to a fried egg.
A miso fried egg is terrific on top of fried rice or a bowl of ramen noodles, but I happen to love these for breakfast served just as I do with plain eggs, over easy with a side of buttered toast. The miso is adds something so tasty to a fried egg, you won’t even miss the bacon or sausage.
March 10, 2013
The ingredients? Is it supposed to be 1 tsp. of butter?
March 11, 2013
Should be 4 tsp butter....and 1 tsp light miso paste
March 10, 2013
What kind of butter do I use in making this? :)
March 11, 2013
Either salted or unsalted butter will be fine for this...just no margarine.