Trout is a game fish related to the Salmon. It is a freshwater fish that mostly lives in lakes and streams. Trout flesh is delicate and ranges from ivory to salmon red.
Some of the Trout varieties include:
Brook Trout
Brown Trout
Lake Trout
Rainbow Trout
Sea Trout
Atlantic Char
Physical Description
Trout have fins entirely without spines, and all of them have a small adipose (fatty) fin along the back, near the tail. There are many species, and even more populations that are isolated from each other and morphologically different. However, since many of these distinct populations show no significant genetic differences, what may appear to be a large number of species is considered a much smaller number of distinct species by most ichthyologists. The trout found in the eastern United States are a good example of this. The brook trout, the aurora trout, and the (extinct) silver trout all have physical characteristics and colorations that distinguish them, yet genetic analysis shows that they are one species, Salvelinus fontinalis.
Tasting Notes
Selecting and Buying
Packaged Frozen Trout...should be rock-hard, clear of ice crystals, having no white spots indicating freezer burn and showing no signs of thawed juices. Packages should be clean and tightly sealed.
Golden rainbow trout are bred from a single mutated color variant of Oncorhynchus mykiss.[16] Golden rainbow trout are predominantly yellowish, lacking the typical green field and black spots, but retaining the diffuse red stripe.[16][17] The palomino trout is a mix of golden and common rainbow trout, resulting in an intermediate color. The golden rainbow trout should not be confused with the naturally occurring golden trout.
Preparation and Use
Use Mild Flavored Oils...Off-flavors in fats can be transferred to the taste of the trout. Best fats include butter, hydrogenated shortening, peanut or corn oils.
Hot and Quick...Trout fried at a low temperature absorbs too much fat. The best temperature is 325 to 350F.
Don't Overcook...Trout should be moist and fork-tender. Overcooking dries out and toughens the fish. Trout is done when it flakes easily when probed with a fork.
Trout Don't Need to be Scaled...Removal of the tiny scales also removes the thin coat of natural jelly around the scales that allows the trout to be breaded without using any type of liquid
Conserving and Storing
Store fresh trout in the coldest part of your refrigerator (usually the lowest shelf at the back or in the meat keeper) as close to 32F as possible. Use fresh trout quickly; within 2 days.
Store packaged frozen trout at 0 F or below for no more than three months.
NEVER RE-FREEZE TROUT AFTER THAWING...this will impair flavor.