The pineapple (Ananas comusus) originated from Southern Brazil and Paraguay, where wild relatives can still be found, and is best grown in moist, warm air in tropical areas. This fruit is encased in a beautiful hardy exterior, with a yellow flesh inside.
Pineapple can be described as having a very desirable sweet tangy flavor. It makes for a delicious food on its own and is also used in beverages, salads, meats, desserts and more.
Pineapple contains proteolitic enzymes, like bormelaine and ananain, which can be employed as meat tenderizers.
It has a very high content of vitamin C (1 portion of aprox. 150 g completely supplies the daily needs).
Physical Description
Tasting Notes
Selecting and Buying
Look for those with eyes that are large and full. Avoid glassy eyes as these indicate the fruit is overripe, as well as pinched eyes as these indicate non-rope and very green pineapple.
Also look for that nice sweet aroma.
Preparation and Use
Pineapple is eaten fresh or canned and is available as a juice or in juice combinations. It is widely used in desserts, salads and complement to meat dishes and in fruit cocktail.
Conserving and Storing
Pineapples can ripen after harvest, but require certain temperatures for this process to occur.
Pineapples are chill-sensitive and should not be stored in the refrigerator. They will however ripen if left outside of a refrigerator.
Ripening of this fruit can rather be difficult as they will not ripen for some time and in a day or two become overripe, which is why pineapples are most widely available canned.