Accasciato Cheese
A cave-aged Tuscan cheese that is usually made from a mix of both sheeps' and cows' milk, and sometimes buffalo milk.
It comes in two varieties: young, mild, and semi-soft; or as an aged, firm cheese with cracks and creeping breaks of molds (good molds) and the richness of buffalo milk mixed with the spicy taste of Casa Madaio’s limestone aging cave.
It is well paired with Tuscan red wines and sweet fruits (like figs and grapes). Delicious when grated and melted into a gratin or casserole.
Other names: Accasciato
Translations: Accasciato Siers, Accasciato Sūriai, Accasciato Brânză, Accasciato sira, Accasciato Kaas, Accasciato पनीर, Accasciato Queijo, Accasciato сыра, Accasciato Τυρί, Accasciato الجبن, Accasciato 치즈, Accasciato Sýry, Accasciato Keju, Accasciato奶酪, Accasciato Formatge, Accasciato Sir, Accasciato Syry, Accasciato Formaggio, Accasciato גבינה, Accasciato Ost, Аццасциато сир, Accasciatoチーズ, Accasciato fromage, Accasciato Queso, Accasciato сиру, Accasciato Juusto, Accasciato сирене
Physical Description
An unusually wonderful Italian cheese in two personalities: young, semi-soft and mild with subtle complexity; or a firm aged cheese with rustic fissures and creeping streaks of good molds
Colors: Darkened yellow to cream
Tasting Notes
Flavors: mild and complex
Mouthfeel: Soft and creamy
Food complements: Grapes, Figs, Tomatoes
Wine complements: Big tuscan red wines and sweet fruits like grapes and figs.