Cannellini Bean

Photo: Anonymous
The Cannellini Bean is a white Italian kidney bean, popular in salads and soups, and is available year-round, found commercially canned or dried.
Translations: カネリーニビーン, Cannellini بقول, Cannellino Bean, Cannellini 콩, Цаннеллини Бин, Cannellinibonen Bean, Cannellini बीन, Cannellini Бін, Cannellini豆, Cannellini Бин, Cannellini Бийн
Physical Description
Colors: The Cannellini bean is fairly large and it's cream-colored
Tasting Notes
Flavors: Meaty Flavor
Mouthfeel: Mealy texture
Food complements: Pork
Wine complements: White wine
Selecting and Buying
Seasonality: january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, opctober, november, december