Baby Corn
Baby corn is corn that has been harvested from the crop before it ripens. It is a popular food in Asian and Chinese cooking, often added to stir fries.
Other names: Baby Sweet Corn
Translations: ベビーコーン, Baby Kukurūzų, طفل الذرة, Baby kukurice, Pikkumaissia, Baby de porumb, Baby kukuruza, Maiskölbchen, Baby kukuřice, בייבי תירס, Bayi Jagung, 베이비 콘, बेबी मकई, Baby кукурузы, Bebé de maíz, Baby кукурудзи, 玉米笋, Беби кукуруза, Nadó de blat de moro, Бебе царевица
Physical Description
Colors: light yellow
Tasting Notes
Flavors: sweet
Mouthfeel: Crunchy soft
Selecting and Buying
Seasonality: april, opctober
Peak: may, september