Lemon Basil
Lemon basil is a cross-breed of basil and African basil, which is grown in northeastern Africa and southern Asia, has a strong lemon scent and is used in cooking.
Translations: レモンバジル, باسل الليمون, Basilic et citron, Lemon Vasile, Limun Basil, Zitronenbasilikum, Limone Basilico, Bazyli z cytryny, Лимун Босиљак, Citroenbasilicum, 레몬 바질, नींबू तुलसी, לימון בזיליקום, Лимон Василя, Albahaca de limón, 柠檬罗勒, Лимон Василия, Alfàbrega de llimona, Лимон Василий