Two competitors became so violently ill at a curry-eating event in Scotland that they had to be taken to the hospital.
Trouble began in the Kismot restaurant in Edinburgh during the last round of the "Killer Curry" competition. Proceeds from the event were supposed to benefit Chas, a children's charity in Scotland, and members of the Scottish Red Cross were on hand, but it quickly spiraled out of control.
It was very painful and felt like I was being chainsawed in the stomach with hot sauce on the chainsaw. I have learned my lesson and will never do it again and, in fact, I will be cutting down on my spice intake full stop," an American student who was taken to the hospital, Curie Kim, said.
The British Red Cross we had on board could not cope. We put our hands up. We did have to call the emergency services for a couple of our participants," organizer Abdul Ali said.
Scottish authorities have launched an investigation into the event.
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