Elizabeth Olsen recently talked to Bon Appétit and revealed that she travels with her own seasonings ("I like my sea salts with me at all times") and also compares the culinary scenes in New York and Los Angeles.
"I just realized that the LA food scene is really good right now," Olsen said. "I've been to Ink and Son of a Gun and Black Market."
When it comes to her own culinary skills, the actress says she can definitely hold her own in the kitchen but it hasn't always been that way.
"For my first dinner party when I was 17, I wanted to make lamp chops," Olsen said. "I bought a full lamb and tried to butcher it -- an entire lamb, fat flying everywhere, limbs, you know. My mom was like, 'Lizzie, you can ask someone to do that!' I had no idea."
To read the rest of Elizabeth Olsen's interview with Bon Appétit, click here.
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