Having a gluten free member of the family can be challenging for the home cook. Many recipes include wheat, both hidden and obvious-especially if you are a cooking from scratch. With kids, that can pose a problem. No one wants to be the odd man out when they are young, and I think that feeling different was much harder on my tween than learning to eat in a different way and dealing with health issues. So, as a mom of 1 GF child, it's a passion to find recipes that the entire family can eat and no one knows that there is a GF substitution in the dish.
These Sticky Garlic Noodles from Kelley and Cricket is the kind of recipe that is a mainstay in our diet. They are incredibly flavorful (as in-wake up in the middle of the night to eat by the light of the fridge, kind of flavorful.) and filling. Everyone loves them from the youngest to the adults, and it's a wonderful recipe to make for sharing. We often make this in expectation of the leftovers. It's wonderful the next day and makes a great lunch box. It is the sort of recipe that filled the void of "what CAN I eat," when my son first went GF, and I had to continue making foods we all liked.
So the key here is to find a gluten free noodle that you like to eat. We have good luck with Thai Kitchen Rice Noodles. They are so good and reasonably priced. If you want to make your own, check out the book (and website) Gluten Free on A Shoestring. The mixes are really good and you can use your own recipes with the gluten free flour alternatives with great results.
Cooking for a gluten free member of the family doesn't have to be difficult or break the budget. It's recipes like this one that makes it so much easier. As always, I suggest following this exactly and then experimenting with your own flavors to change things up and expand your choices.
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