How to Get the Seeds out of a Pomegranate

November 14, 2009

If you want to keep someone busy for a half an hour, ask them to crack open a pomegranate and pick out seeds. You will be lucky if they even get out half of the seeds without feeling frustrated or manage to keep their shirt clean in the process. If you are not picky about saving the precious pomegranate juice,  here's a quick tip to getting all the seeds out of a pomegranate without the struggle or the juicy mess.

1.Fill a deep bowl with at least four cups of water.

2. Slice open a pomegranate into quarters.

3. Immerse each quarter of the pomegranate in the water and break open the spongy honeycomb membrane of the pomegranate, allowing the seeds to fall to the bottom of the bowl and the spongy pith to rise to the surface. Continue with each quarter until all the seeds are resting at the bottom of the bowl of water.

4. Toss out the spongy pith. The little bits of pith with continue to float to the top. Skim the little bits and discard. Drain the water. Voila! Clean pomegranate seeds.

This is a great tip when you want to sprinkle pomegranate seeds on a salad or as a garnish. Also a great technique when you want to add a couple pomegranate seeds to a glass of sparkling wine.

Pomegranate Recipe Inspiration

YumSugar's Sparkling Pomegranate Drinks with St. Germain

Tartelette" Pomegranate and Caramelized Pear Panna Cottas

Coconut & Lime's Pomegranate Pulled Pork

Above photo by Massdistraction



Chef Gwen's picture

I've found that just slicing off the top, then scoring the skin saves more of the seeds than slicing the whole thing into quarters. Here's my post on how to do it:

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Hello Chef Gwen!

Thank you for your helpful advice! Each page is meant to be edited for accuracy and improved upon. Would you mind adding your edits to the "How to Remove Seeds From a Pomegranate" page?

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