Carrie Barr's picture

Pumpkin Pie vs. Pecan Pie

pecan pie

Amongst my family members there are those who clearly favorite one or the other, and there are those that don't care, as long as it's pie. And then there are those who don't even like pie. My brother-in-law loves pumpkin pie, my husband's whole family really.

Melissa Peterman's picture

Kabocha and Ginger Squash Soup

Kabotcha Squash

Melissa Peterman's picture

Tonight Chef and Mixologist Kathy Casey at Nightschool

Helen Pitlick's picture

Surviving Thanksgiving

image by riptheskull

Yuna Wu's picture

How I Slaughtered a Chicken

Last Spring, a quest for fresh eggs brought my husband and me to a box of chirping chicks.  By late Spring, the chicks had taken up residence in a bright blue chicken coop in our yard in a North Seattle neighborhood.  They grew rapidly, and I dreamed of fresh eggs,

Melissa Peterman's picture

How to Get the Seeds out of a Pomegranate

Sheri Wetherell's picture

A Super Sustainable Friday Fun Links

This week our focus on the Foodista Featured Blog of The Day has been sustainability, where we've highlighted some flavoricious blogs ranging from home

Kate Opatz's picture

Chocolate of the Week: The Raleigh Bar

A full bar of chocolate can be quite hazardous.  Shard by shard, they tend to disappear.  And so, while perusing the specialty chocolate section, as I always do when there is one, I was drawn to the Raleigh Bar, a mere two inches in length (stocking stuffer?) and just three dollars.

Carrie Barr's picture

Moose, it's What's for Dinner

Carrie Barr's picture

What Breed is Your Turkey?

Did you know that the standard commercial turkey is a called a Broad Breasted White?


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