Sheri Wetherell

Hello! I'm the co-founder and CEO of, and creator of the International Food Blogger Conference (IFBC). I grew up surrounded by food on both sides of my family. My paternal grandmother owned a diner for many years, and my maternal grandmother (and mother of five daughters) was always found in the kitchen baking or whipping up garden-fresh tomato juice. My mother instilled in me the importance of healthy, wholesome eating and fed the entire family homemade soups, breads, and fresh carrot juice. Through my grandmothers, mother, and numerous travels overseas, I developed my love of food. I honed my palate and taste for travel by hopping planes with my airline pilot father, spent nearly a year studying in Italy and traveling in Greece, and taught English in Tokyo for three years. My professional background is in traditional and online marketing, where I worked for companies such as, Microsoft, Nordstrom, and eBay. With I have finally found my true passion - immersion in the world of food. I'm also the proud mama of daughter Emery.


Organization memberships:
Les Dames d'Escoffier - Seattle Chapter
International Association of Culinary Professionals (IACP)

Contact me here.

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Posts by Sheri Wetherell

November 5, 2008

It wasn't until I lived in Italy that I truly learned to love and appreciate a good olive oil. Drizzled on tender butter lettuce salads with a pinch of salt, spooned over handmade pastas, dabbed on...

November 4, 2008

Everyone has their own tastes, politically and culinarily. Some like it sweet, some like it salty. Lots of meat or veggies only. The beauty of pizza is that it can be a little bit of everything for...

November 3, 2008


Gremolata is a traditional accompaniment to Osso Buco, an Italian dish of braised veal shank. It is simply made of chopped parsley, lemon peel and garlic, which makes it divine on all kinds of meats...

November 3, 2008

Some people turn their noses up at the mention of oxtail, but this underrated meat is succulently delicious. When slow cooked for many hours or quickly blasted in a pressure cooker, which we did,...

November 1, 2008

Photo: Dr. Florian Before sending your little goblins out tonight for trick-or-treats, fill their bellies up with something yummy and warm. Pumpkin Bisque 10 minutes preparation time 45 minutes cook...

October 30, 2008

I call these Coconut Shrimp Salad Rolls, but those are only two of the tasty ingredients wrapped up in thin rice paper. Frankly, Coconut Shrimp Ginger Carrot Lime Cilantro And More Rolls was just...

October 28, 2008

Normally if someone tells me something is diet food I wrinkle my nose and say, "no, thanks." But the other day I had this creamy, hearty soup. When I asked my aunt what it was she told me, "Creamy...

October 26, 2008

Ah, it's a beautiful day here in Seattle. I wish you were here to enjoy it. The sun is out! People are smiling and more generous than usual saying such things as, "oh, please, you go first," at stop...

October 23, 2008

The tree outside my window is the most striking array of orange and gold. I love this time of year, and hope the winds don't come and blow all the fall colors away too soon. I want to enjoy that...

October 20, 2008

I'm a big Donna Brazile fan. So you can imagine my excitement when I heard she would be the guest speaker at a Washington Women Lawyers Awards Dinner that I was attending. Thanks to the swift...

October 17, 2008

Best Ever Lemon Roasted Chicken

Many years ago in a bookstore in Portland, Oregon, we were fortunate to attend a book signing by the legendary Marcella Hazan. Mrs. Hazan was to Italian cooking as Julia Child was to French cooking,...

October 16, 2008

Cobbler schmobbler! There are so many other things to make with blackberries. I know, blackberry season is technically over, but we happened to find a bush hiding quite a few still edible ones. Not...

October 15, 2008

Impossibly Easy Cheeseburger Pie

Lest you think we eat only gourmet meals each and every night I thought I'd prove otherwise. Last night I reached into the mental recipe box of my college days and pulled out one of my old...

October 14, 2008

Recently we found some fresh black cod in the market. Black cod, also known as sablefish, is actually not considered a true cod. Where cod is light and flaky, black cod is plump and oily. When...

October 13, 2008

As much as we'd love to spend the afternoons canning, pickling, storing, and preserving, we don't always have the time to do so, do we? Then comes the moment when you long for that homemade...

October 12, 2008

Corned beef isn't just for St. Patrick's Day. In fact in Ireland they don't even eat corned beef on St. Patrick's Day. That's our own Irish American invention. A darn good one though, if you ask me...

October 10, 2008

It's been darn cold here in Seattle, so I've been using any excuse to fire up the stove or oven just to hang out by the heat. My latest excuse was in the form of savory scones. Cheddar dill scones,...

October 9, 2008

My step-father makes the best stuffed roasted peppers. Really, they truly are the best. I've tried to think of a word that perfectly describes them, and the only one that best sums them up is this:...

October 8, 2008

My lemon cucumber plants did absolutely nothing this year. Actually, that's not entirely true. One plant did manage to produce a scrawny thimble-sized cucumber. And I carefully picked it, washed it...

October 7, 2008

Russian Tea Cookies

One of my favorite (and easy!) cookie recipes is Russian tea cookies, also known as Russian tea cakes. They are light, buttery and full of nutty goodness. Did I mention they're easy to make?...

October 6, 2008's the holidays and you and your guest have all stuffed your bellies to bursting point on delicious fare. But wait...there's always that one little spot in the corner of everyone's...

October 5, 2008

If you didn't already know, October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month. Like many others, this disease runs in my family, so I am diligent in not only monitoring my own health, but doing what...

October 3, 2008


Don't you get bored with plain old white rice? It can be a bit tiresome, can't it? The other day Tracy told us about her kim chee rice dish, and I thought I'd also share one with you...

October 1, 2008

Sometimes life throws us for a loop. Recently I was tossed high and far and landed with a resounding thud. I'll spare you the gory details, but the good thing is I'm getting back up on that big ole...

September 21, 2008

Foodista just created a group on Flickr that already has over 100 members. Check out some of the latest submissions below, and feel free to join us and add your food photos.
