Carrie Barr

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Posts by Carrie Barr

January 28, 2010

In my house we like Asian flavors. Pad thai, swimming rama, coconut curry, and teriyaki are frequent visitors on my plate. In the spirit of Hunger Week, I’ll share my curry recipe that only costs $1...

December 29, 2009

Pepper Pot

What's that you say? 'Tis Pepper Pot Day? 232 years ago today, during the Revolutionary War, a chef concocted Pepper Pot, a soup made of tripe, small pieces of meat, and peppercorns. As the...

December 14, 2009

Nobody knows why December is National Eggnog Month. It makes sense that it is, but there is no association that declared it as such and no presidential proclamation. But all the same I think we are...

December 4, 2009

People comment on details. And who doesn't want comments on the food that they've slaved over? To get rave reviews this holiday season, make sure to spend the extra minutes to perfect your baked...

November 30, 2009

Not all ovens are created equal. Some have room for 5 sheets of cookies, some only have room for a 9x9 inch brownie pan. Then there are those that are 50°F too hot or too cold. Is your oven a member...

November 27, 2009

turkey sandwich

The day after Thanksgiving, it was quiet in the morn’, turkey sandwich or soup I am so torn! I’ve always loved turkey leftovers, it’s not often you roast a huge turkey. Since you...

November 24, 2009

Last night while I was falling asleep I dreamt that I ran out of sweet potatoes, so I mixed a can of canned pumpkin with mashed potatoes and brought that to Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone in the...

November 23, 2009

November 23rd is Eat a Cranberry Day! Not sure why it's singular, but I'm sure you can still celebrate properly by eating more than one. Learn more than you wanted to know about cranberry sauce or...

November 20, 2009

hot beef sundae sign

I love to impress my guests with my food, everyone does. Many seek out that best recipe for pumpkin pie or the most elegant side dish. Well seek no more friends, I bring you only the best. Firstly,...

November 17, 2009

pecan pie

Amongst my family members there are those who clearly favorite one or the other, and there are those that don't care, as long as it's pie. And then there are those who don't even like pie...

November 13, 2009

My father-in-law, Chuck, probably eats more sustainably and locally than the average person. He hunts, he fishes, he raises chickens and goats, and his wife grows a lively garden. When my husband...

November 12, 2009

Did you know that the standard commercial turkey is a called a Broad Breasted White? It's a breed specifically bred to turn the least amount of feed into the most amount of weight the fastest. This...

November 9, 2009

November 9th is Cook Something Bold and Pungent Day! Grab your pitchforks (or knives) and chop some garlic! Slice the blue cheese and peel the durian! Delight in a Limburger cheese sandwich and...

November 6, 2009

There's no meat in the fridge, no canned salmon in the cabinet, not even a packet of spam. What's a woman to feed a carnivorous husband? So I found a recipe for raw tacos! Walnuts? Check. Spices?...

Blogged About

August 10, 2011
How to make pumpkin pie squares and use up that extra pumpkin pie mix after Thanksgiving.
August 3, 2011
Black bean brownies are unique and are better than most conventional brownies. A healthy, easy recipe that will impress you and your friends!
August 2, 2011
A Top 10 list of tips to have a smoother and more peaceful morning, maybe you'll even become a morning person!