Vietnamese Coffee
2 tablespoons Sweetened Condensed Milk
In restaurants and cafe, dark-roast coffee is brewed in an individual drip pot that sits on top of a glass, slowly dripping into sweet milk. it takes a good 10 to 15 minutes for the water to finish dripping through, and the coffee is sipped at an equally leisurely pace. Both the coffee and the pots are available in Southeast Asian markets, but any type of coffee and any brew- method that produces a strong, rich-tasting cup will do.
Place the milk in the bottom of an 8 ounce glass. Carefully pour in coffee, trying not to disturb the layer of milk. Stir milk up from bottom and sip coffee. There will probably be some milk left in the bottom of the glass when you are finished.
Makes 1 serving.
100.0 servings
Sunday, February 14, 2010 - 8:32am