The only thing better than a delicious piece of chocolate, is one that you made yourself. Homemade...
With St. Patrick's Day just a couple of weeks away, it's time to start searching for the...
Your favorite Girl Scout cookie just got even better. This pull apart bread is quick and easy, and...
We can't think of a whole lot of things that can't be made better with chocolate. Any...
Cake in mugs is a food lovers secret weapon against cravings. Making a mug cake takes mere minutes...
Not all your Valentine's treats have to be candy. How about making these super simple and super...
We love the idea of making our own traditional Valentine's Day candy: The Candy Conversation...
This type of cookie is the most fun to make with children. You can do the cookie part and they can...
Wow! Can you believe how luscious and decadent this triple chocolate pumpkin pie looks? What a...
Who can get enough Snickers in their stash? Now you can make your own!
Many recipes seem rich and decadent, but are actually pretty healthy. This one, Black Forest Sundae...
What would you say if a piece of fudge was gooey, chocolatey and rich; yet made from healthy...
Have you ever had a rich, chocolaty brownie and a glass of Pinot Noir? We can top that, with this...
Make these sweet and crunchy pecan bars for your holiday gift giving. Why are we sharing the recipe...
This recipe for Chocolate Biscuits is too good not to share. Although called a biscuit, they are...
Start your holidays off with a special breakfast for everyone. Take a look at these over-the-top...
Here is a treat that will knock your socks off! Rich and sweet, this is the dessert you have...
Jer's Chocolates has issued a voluntary recall of some of their Gourmet Peanut Butter Bars and...
There is one thing that can improve a bowl of creamy ice cream, and that is a crispy coating! A...
What better way to end a spicy summer cookout, than with a cool, creamy Double Decker Chocolate...