Gwyneth Paltrow: "I'd Rather Smoke Crack Than Eat Cheese From a Can"

July 7, 2011

Gwyneth Paltrow is infamous for her adherence to a healthy lifestyle, and she affirmed her commitment to eating wisely at a recent appearance, saying, "I'd rather smoke crack than eat cheese from a can."

Paltrow's blunt declaration took place at Roundhouse Studios as a part of the iTunes Festival last month. During the gig, she also admitted to drinking wine while cooking and indulging in gourmet cheese.

Although expressed in an extreme fashion, Gwyneth Paltrow's fervent dedication to wellness is admirable. Do you think her statement was out of line or dead on?

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Lori 's picture

Why choose one over the other? She should smoke crack, THEN eat cheese from a can.

Maria's picture

What do I think of Gwyneths' comment? Stupidity to that extreme is it's own cautionary tale. I'd rather be a canned cheese maker than be that vapid and useless as a human being. It appears to me lately that you have to be extremely stupid and self absorbed to be able to become a star. Good 'ol Gwennie certainly didn't prove me wrong.

Sheri's picture

She clearly hasn't had the privilege of eating Cougar Gold, Washington State University's amazing student-crafted cheese, that just so happens to come in a very pricey can. :)

matantisi's picture

Seems a rather silly comparison to me.

Ryan's picture

I would rather eat poo than have a poo covered stick stuck in my eye.

LEILA's picture

crack is probably much healthier than canned cheese.. ew

LEILA's picture

crack is probably much healthier than canned cheese.. ew

LEILA's picture

crack is probably healthier than canned cheese... ew