December 23, 2011

Mario Batali is finding himself in a bit of trouble after an employee of one of his restaurants is saying he was sexually harassed at Batali's Babbo Restaurant in New York City.
Eugene Gibbons filed a suit claiming he was sexually harassed by his colleagues and Batali did nothing to stop it. While Batali isn't filed as a defendant in the case, the suit says that because the owners of restaurant did nothing to stop the harassment, they "condoned the campaign of humiliation."
Batali also made headlines last month when he made some controversial comments about bankers.
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December 24, 2011
this story makes me truly LOL! every single kitchen i have ever worked in had "harassment", cooks are usually crusty old drunks (i am one too-recoveringXD) and there is a level of "joking" or harassment that goes on just because. the funny thing is, the person alleging harassment is a guy...when was the last time a man YOU know took offense at someone making a pass at him?!? even my husband (who is...marriedXD) thinks its funny to get flirted with. geesh. what a crock of crap. its because mario has about a billion dollars, and this guy is prob a 2.13 an hour server and wants some more money without working for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!