Nicko's Kitchen shows us how to make oven-baked donuts, a healthier version than deep-fried....
This awesome Domo cake from Dough See Dough is one tasty little monster. The...
The Decorated Cookie is known for its fabulous cookie designs and these wild zebra cookies are...
Store bought snacks are riddled with preservatives and artificial flavors. To avoid reading...
Even vegans can enjoy the deliciousness that is chocolate hazelnut spread. Whether it's...
A warm, delicious, fruity pie. Perfect for a cold winter's night. Thanks to Foodista member:...
Madeleines are a classic French cookie. Cake-like and delicious, these cookies are a labor of...
Get your kids excited about helping you in the kitchen with this kid-friendly recipe. It's a...
Have a guilt-free treat with these gluten-free brownies. The below recipe is brought to us by...
Fruity upside down cake with a fresh twist, will make your dinner menu complete. We just love the...
Get rid of your winter blues with a bit of color and sunshine! These Rainbow Cupcakes will provide...
Black velvet cake is a decadent dessert. This dark chocolate cake uses black onyx cocoa...
If you love making homemade snacks you'll love Classic Snacks Made From Scratch: 70 Homemade...
Caramel cake is delicious but it comes with a list of pitfalls -- the frosting hardens before you...
Classic Snacks Made From Scratch: 70 Homemade Versions of Your Favorite Brand-Name Treats is a fun...
A marble cake combines the best of both worlds: chocolate and vanilla. This cake is fabulous...
Sweet potato hamantaschen from My Name is Yeh is an updated recipe for this classic cookie served...
If you happen to have a few extra Oreo cookies lying around, this Triple Layer Cookies and Cream...
An easy chocolate frosting recipe is a must-have for any baker. It can be your go-to frosting...
Red velvet cheesecake cupcakes are an irresistible treat. Moist red velvet cupcakes are...