The merry Mary is a refreshing holiday cocktail. Whether you are sipping a bloody Mary on New...
Curried cauliflower gratin is a comforting side dish. Cauliflower may get a bad rap but if...
Indian spiced butternut squash soup from Eats Well With Others is a warming meal. Kabocha...
Basil quinoa meatball subs from Spa Bettie are a comforting meatless meal. Cooked quinoa is paired...
Sweet potato latkes with pulled brisket from Host the Toast is a unique Hanukkah meal. Latkes...
This Meatless Monday, go global and try Betty Crocker's roasted squash and sweet potato...
The Sweetest Vegan has transformed one of McDonald's most iconic burgers to make it vegan...
Cream of potato soup is a comforting wintertime meal. When you are low on food in the fridge...
Coconut cream vegetable is a new take on a traditional winter dish. An assortment of...
The garden deck designed by Frausto & Co. will cultivate your green thumb. These 48 playing...
After spending the weekend indulging on Thanksgiving leftovers, it's time to give your body a...
If you are becoming a bit tired of all the leftovers, why not go in an entirely new flavor...
This week Foodista has been sharing our favorite Thanksgiving dishes to create the ultimate holiday...
Butternut squash and carrot soup is the perfect first course to your Thanksgiving meal. We...
If you are celebrating Thanksgiving vegetarian style, this homemade Tofurkey is a must-make main...
Green bean and bacon casserole is a twist on the classic Thanksgiving side dish. Instead of...
Potatoes are a must on Thanksgiving. While mashed potatoes are delicious, this year try...
Vegan wheat berry and roasted butternut squash stuffing from FEED Body & Soul is a Thanksgiving...
This gluten-free pasta salad from The Healthy Apple is a quick and easy lunch. Gluten-free...
This Thanksgiving put away you bag of spring mix and toss together this red yam and kale salad...